The answer from the FDA is, use another vaccine product Rotateq.  There is no apparent damage done as of this post, and maybe this is the end of it and maybe imagenot.  Since many drugs and medical products do come from pigs, perhaps this is how the virus got into the product.

The FDA said don’t pass up the vaccine though due to this report, get the other vaccine.  BD 

The head of the FDA said there's no apparent risk to youngsters, but the vaccine contains something it shouldn't: traces of a pig virus 
For parents of babies, it's one more concern to raise with the pediatrician. And pediatricians expect to get lots of calls after the FDA told doctors to suspend use of the diarrhea vaccine called "Rotarix."

The FDA is telling pediatricians to use a different rotavirus vaccine – one that's been around longer and is even more popular than Rotarix. It's called "Rotateq," and the FDA said it's completely safe. Most doctors urge its use to prevent rotavirus.

Millions Of Children Possibly Exposed To Pig Virus In Rotavirus Vaccine -


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