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Sequencing on a Bus–Ion Torrent Desktop Sequencer On Tour in the US
Sequencing on a Bus–Ion Torrent Desktop Sequencer On Tour in the US

Life Technologies keeps things rolling literally with their bus to promote the Ion Torrent desktop sequencing machine.  The sequencing business is getting a lot of attention and we are also seeing some stiff competition and a couple months ago Life purchased Navigenics.  Back when this first started…

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FDA Approves InWave Medical Device for Treating Female Incontinence
FDA Approves InWave Medical Device for Treating Female Incontinence

There was a similar type product approved earlier this year for the same thing so now there are two products to choose from to best fit the need of the patient when this one comes on the market. I am guessing it also uses the TENS technology as well.  BD FDA Clears Female Incontinence De…

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Hospitals To Get E-Mails From Department of Justice To Examine Questionable Defibrillator Surgeries With Medicare Patients–What A Waste As DOJ Time Is Better Spent With Analytics For Wall Street/Banker Crimes
Hospitals To Get E-Mails From Department of Justice To Examine Questionable Defibrillator Surgeries With Medicare Patients–What A Waste As DOJ Time Is Better Spent With Analytics For Wall Street/Banker Crimes

This is where something hits the wall.  What’s next go repossess the units?  This comes back to the coding once more and again 3rd parties are involved with some of these evaluations.  Give me a break as this is where it goes too far and granted there probably are analytics in place today that s…

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FIOS Reboot for the Medical Quack Today–My Attack of the Killer Algorithms And Verizon Support Handled Successfully Via Twitter
FIOS Reboot for the Medical Quack Today–My Attack of the Killer Algorithms And Verizon Support Handled Successfully Via Twitter

Nothing surprises me anymore today as complexities grow.  I happen to have my phone service via FIOS and today I had the second and strangest issue I have seen.  A few weeks ago I was in the middle of a conversation and the phone went dead and I got in touch with support and it was elevated…

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Two LAPD Police Officers Being Investigated for Body Slamming Nurse During a Routine Traffic Stop–Video Shows the Entire Account
Two LAPD Police Officers Being Investigated for Body Slamming Nurse During a Routine Traffic Stop–Video Shows the Entire Account

You can watch the video and there’s no sound but it looks pretty brutal with the two officers actions.  She was in a parking lot and was pulled over for talking on her cell phone and this all takes place in a parking lot.  You can see her being handcuffed but when the one officer takes her over and …

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FDA Approves Teva’s Generic Version of Amgen Drug Neupogen–Drug Given With Chemotherapy That Boosts White Blood Cells–But Not Available in US Until Late 2013
FDA Approves Teva’s Generic Version of Amgen Drug Neupogen–Drug Given With Chemotherapy That Boosts White Blood Cells–But Not Available in US Until Late 2013

  It won’t be available to market in the US though until the patent expires which is November of 2013 so there’s a little more than a year to wait; however n Europe Teva already sells the drug.  The drug helps chemotherapy patients recover faster and deals with the side effects of the treat…

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Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute Receives 8.9 Million Dollar Grant To Design And Focus On Harm Free Hospital Care For Patients From The Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation
Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute Receives 8.9 Million Dollar Grant To Design And Focus On Harm Free Hospital Care For Patients From The Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation

Patient safety is on the minds of the Moores as you can’t help but think about Betty Moore’s own experience a number of years ago when she was given a shot of insulin which was meant for the patient in the other bed in her hospital room.  They almost had two deaths due to this error and Betty Moore …

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Wellpoint CEO and Chairman Angela Braly Steps Down Effective Today–Time for the Next Batter Up To Deal With Company Complexities and the Algorithms For Profit–Machines Running A Lot of the Business Today
Wellpoint CEO and Chairman Angela Braly Steps Down Effective Today–Time for the Next Batter Up To Deal With Company Complexities and the Algorithms For Profit–Machines Running A Lot of the Business Today

She steps down from a pressure cooker that’s for sure and just recently the board had publicly given her support in a couple of media articles.  We are going to see a lot of this occur as the powers of the CEOs become less and less as the decision making processes get more difficult, it is what it i…

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HealthGrades CEO Founder Joins WorldOne Board–Flawed Data And Broken Algorithms On the Move to Advise Market Research? Algo Duping Society?
HealthGrades CEO Founder Joins WorldOne Board–Flawed Data And Broken Algorithms On the Move to Advise Market Research? Algo Duping Society?

If you read here often enough then you know I like accurate data and when I find obscene examples of folks not keeping up, I post it.  I have no problem with listings of doctors and patient comments; however, the ratings game is skewed anymore as we have credible and non credible data being combined…

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While Waiting for FDA Approval for an IPhone ECG Company Launches Popular Veterinary Version–Cats and Dogs Get Heart Attacks Diagnosed
While Waiting for FDA Approval for an IPhone ECG Company Launches Popular Veterinary Version–Cats and Dogs Get Heart Attacks Diagnosed

This is pretty neat, not the FDA timeline but the fact that cats and dogs can get an ECG done simple and easy.  The video is neat and I can see why a vet would want one as it makes it simple and dog wags his tail during the entire process, so no problem there.  It’s a case that fits over the IPhone …

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Nurse Diagnosed With Rare Condition, Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder Which Is Incurable
Nurse Diagnosed With Rare Condition, Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder Which Is Incurable

I seem to remember something like this in the news a while back but it sounds like there’s another case.  This issue seems to strike women and would be a major inconvenience if a man developed it or maybe one has?  Too much of anything is not a good thing and specialists are on the case with no answ…

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In China Doctor-Patient Relationships Get Violent As Government Cuts Funding, Costs Soared, Doctors are Over Worked & Patients Pay More and Don’t Get Good Care
In China Doctor-Patient Relationships Get Violent As Government Cuts Funding, Costs Soared, Doctors are Over Worked & Patients Pay More and Don’t Get Good Care

If you read the entire story at the link this sounds pretty bad with a lot of frustrations and perhaps some misunderstandings by patients on what can be cured and treated, the article reflects that.  China has an admission problem too but as suggested it was self created with adding insurance to the…

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Nurse Accidentally Throws Away Kidney That Was To Be Used for a Transplant
Nurse Accidentally Throws Away Kidney That Was To Be Used for a Transplant

I want to hear the updates on this one as how does this happen?  It’s not like a kidney is mistaken for some other body part.  The kidney was from a “living'” donor too and the surgeon had just removed it to be transplanted in the donor’s sister.  What does happen next for the sister as now we have …

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FDA Approves Stribild from Gilead Sciences as Once A Day Treatment to Control HIV Virus
FDA Approves Stribild from Gilead Sciences as Once A Day Treatment to Control HIV Virus

The results showed pretty good against older AIDS drugs with keeping the HIV virus under control.  Part of the approval process requires additional studies with interactions with other drugs as well as studies to test safety with giving the drug to women and children.  This is the drug Truvada combi…

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MMRGlobal Creates A Team of Former NFL Celebrities to Educate Consumers on the Benefits of Personal Health Records–Free Trial Offer For Those Signing Up With a Team Member At
MMRGlobal Creates A Team of Former NFL Celebrities to Educate Consumers on the Benefits of Personal Health Records–Free Trial Offer For Those Signing Up With a Team Member At

Ron Brown, the current Director of business affairs for retired NFL players in southern California will lead a team to recruit athletes and celebrities to join the MMRPro Sports Team.  MMRGlobal team members will be the ambassadors in a campaign to educate on the importance of having a personal heal…

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What Happened to Freedom of Academic Speech–UC Davis Threatens Professor for Writing about PSA Testing Which Was Published in a California Newspaper
What Happened to Freedom of Academic Speech–UC Davis Threatens Professor for Writing about PSA Testing Which Was Published in a California Newspaper

This is just so bizarre and the fact that it has not been completely rectified yet is even stranger.  I get tons of emails with press releases and so forth on PSA tests and all kinds of other matters and I don’t understand this at all especially since they facility voted 52-0 that the doctor’s right…

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StethoCloud–A $20 Stethoscope Attachment for a Smartphone to Diagnose Pneumonia In the Works
StethoCloud–A $20 Stethoscope Attachment for a Smartphone to Diagnose Pneumonia In the Works

This was presented at the Microsoft Imagine Cup in Australia recently and it won the Final of the 2012 Imagine cup.  The Imagine Cup is where students compete in regional areas around the world and the winners advance to the overall finals and I would say this one has great chance.  It uses standard…

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House Committee On Oversight & Reform Chairman Darrell Issa Demands Documents & Communication From IRS Relative to Healthcare Reform Law–Another Big Time Waster As States Who Refuse Exchanges Can or Cannot Tax Credits? Go Figure On This One…
House Committee On Oversight & Reform Chairman Darrell Issa Demands Documents & Communication From IRS Relative to Healthcare Reform Law–Another Big Time Waster As States Who Refuse Exchanges Can or Cannot Tax Credits? Go Figure On This One…

Oh my gosh, did some states out there get some tax credits they don’t deserve?  How long is this going to take to mull through all of this? Some folks sure find ways to waste enough time out there and I can bet the IRS loves being pulled into this mess as well as they said earlier that they can dis…

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FDA and CDC Issued Recall of Tattoo Ink Contaminated With Bacteria
FDA and CDC Issued Recall of Tattoo Ink Contaminated With Bacteria

This has nothing to do with the people who create tattoos of course but rather one supplier of the permanent ink used.  It does recommend to perhaps inquire though and see what products are used in case this bad lot is among the supplies.  CDC began watching this when a person in New York had a skin…

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Diabetes Stand Up Comedy Captain Glucose and Meter Boy, Getting A Good Message Across With A Taste of Humor–Video From the “Comedy Syringe”
Diabetes Stand Up Comedy Captain Glucose and Meter Boy, Getting A Good Message Across With A Taste of Humor–Video From the “Comedy Syringe”

This is cute and very well done with a bit of humor.  The bad guy here is Blood Sugar Maniac.  Captain Glucose is played by Bill Kirchenbaurer.  I’m not a diabetic but could appreciate the humor and message and awareness.  The presentation could not have been better names either, “The Comedy Syringe…

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FDA Approves First First Wireless Remote Control Device for Back Pain Relief Using TENS Technology–One Device For Over the Counter and Pro Model To Be Available by Prescription–Hollywog
FDA Approves First First Wireless Remote Control Device for Back Pain Relief Using TENS Technology–One Device For Over the Counter and Pro Model To Be Available by Prescription–Hollywog

First off you have to kind of like this name as it’s not your typical name for a device company and actually it’s one you can somewhat remember as it stands out.  TENS units have been out for a number of years and I remember using one years back and they keep getting better.  The Wi-Touch devices th…

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SCAN Agrees to Pay $320 Million to Resolve Over Payment Allegations to California Medi-Cal Program–Billing and Audit Algorithms Busy Again Shifting Money Back and Forth…
SCAN Agrees to Pay $320 Million to Resolve Over Payment Allegations to California Medi-Cal Program–Billing and Audit Algorithms Busy Again Shifting Money Back and Forth…

This case was brought about by a whistle blower and goes back to records dating to 1985, a long time back.  California doesn’t get all the money though as the Feds get some too as this is a joint plan between California and the Feds.  As usual no admittance of wrong doing here was admitted; however,…

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Bavarian Nordic In Denmark At Risk of Having to Fire 100s of Workers if the US Doesn’t Place Order for Smallpox Vaccine by January
Bavarian Nordic In Denmark At Risk of Having to Fire 100s of Workers if the US Doesn’t Place Order for Smallpox Vaccine by January

Normally the order is received around June of every year and HHS so far this year has not placed the order.  The vaccine, called Immune is 95% of the company revenue.  There are other vaccines produced that are also a single treatment but vaccines from other companies are not necessarily safe for in…

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I’ll Take My Licorice Unleaded Please, FDA Alert American Licorice Company Recalling Black Licorice Twists–Discard and Do Not Eat
I’ll Take My Licorice Unleaded Please, FDA Alert American Licorice Company Recalling Black Licorice Twists–Discard and Do Not Eat

I love this licorice and hopefully I am not poisoned as I ate a bunch of it a couple weeks ago so I assume I’m fine.  The candy has elevated levels of lead and I am curious as to how it got there.  Lead poisoning is hard to detect.   At any rate, don’t eat the stuff and wait until a new batch comes …

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