If you remember back at the end of the first quarter Allscripts was under the gun a bit with not having their two integrated systems ready to go to market and the task is huge.  I think one thing that was learned from the show down was that people now know that it takes time and a lot of code to integrate two pretty massive systems and a warning for marketing not to get ahead of itself with sales projections.  That’s a real spot to be in as shareholders want the latest updates and you want it to be good to keep money rolling in.  This makes sense to work with Microsoft since there’s a lot of their technologies already used within the systems. 

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Allscripts For Misleading Investors With Merging Data Systems–Too Much Code and Not Enough Time – Attack of the Killer Algorithms Chapter 30

If you go back to 2010 you can read about the Eclipsys and Microsoft Amalga integration which is part of the new integrated systems to go into the Allscripts system, so I am guessing too that the integrated system is going to have components of Amalga in there as well for the intelligence type reporting.  The NHS uses Amalga Healthcare integration services too. 

Eclipsys and Microsoft To Integrate Sunrise Enterprise Suite With Amalga Unified Intelligence System

In addition Microsoft’s CRM program will be rolled in here for healthcare which has been around since at least 2008.  Centricity from GE at one point also made a statement that they were also going to roll in Microsoft Dynamics and it’s a very good CRM system.  I remember the early days when it got started and it grew better with time.

In addition, American Well video conferencing and doctor consults is also on slate to begin a pilot program.  I look back to the Mysis days and this has been one big roll of software and integration in constant motion for sure and the system will be ready for Windows 8.  BD

Allscripts is moving on several fronts to expand the number and types of applications from outside developers that the company can integrate with its electronic health record (EHR) software.

Last week, the EHR vendor announced an agreement with Microsoft to expand Allscripts' application developer program. Allscripts also recently struck a deal with American Well to integrate the latter's telehealth technology into its EHR products.

Under the Microsoft pact, the two companies are working together to encourage software firms--including developers in the Microsoft community--to create applications for Allscripts in the new Windows 8 operating system. Noting that "much of our open platform is built using Microsoft technology," Allscripts CEO Glen Tullman told InformationWeek Healthcare, "We want to be in synch with Microsoft as they announce Windows 8 and invest a very substantial amount to get it used and integrated in the developer community. We're riding some of that wave, because we want all our developers to take advantage of that."



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