One of the big items here is the new Exadata Rack as semi conductor memory is used so the hard drives never spin, 26 Terabytes of DRAM in one rack.  Oracle is giving Amazon some real competition in the Cloud.  The video is a short version of the high lights of his keynote talk. 

In the second video which is almost an hour he goes through the Fusion product line and his social network intelligence that is now built in .image  I thought this was a great presentation and there’s a little drag here and there but overall good stuff.  They are using the Twitter Fire Hose, watch to see what that is.  Larry Ellison really does like Twitter, if he would only tweet a little more.  The business Intelligence with Twitter begins about 2/3rd into the second vide.  Impressive! 


When you hear him talk about 7 years development time on the Oracle Fusion program, think about healthcare IT aggregation and integration as this stuff doesn’t happen overnight anymore, it’s complex and a lot more entities and code to work together.  Also they do “java” and Larry Ellison talks about customers and Oracle all using the same tools and language, JAVA for one.  You can run any Oracle data base in the cloud.  “Don’t try and run that java app on SalesForce, Larry says it won’t run”…. 

Big data and big iron…



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