We all know about the sorrow in Detroit where there should be some imagenervous actuaries running around after the deal on the pension system so here's’ the next deal and it’s not final yet but the cost for insurance on exchanges in Michigan are not out yet on the Exchanges so fat chance there’s any policy that would be around $125 a month and probably double that would a guess would be the bottom rate or some where around there.  BD 

Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr is considering a plan to replace current health care benefits for retirees under 65 with a stipend of $125 a month to buy coverage beginning next month from the state’s new health insurance exchange, city officials said on Wednesday.

The city intends to help those retirees figure out the best health insurance plan offered under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Michigan’s insurance marketplace where the plans will be sold launches Oct. 1 and coverage is effective Jan. 1.

It is uncertain how much health care coverage Orr’s stipend of $125 a month would buy because neither the state nor insurers are saying how much plans available under the new health care system will cost.



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