Nobody seems to remember to put the entire story in here and we still have aimage lot of old “witch hunt” type reporting going on.  Sure there’s plenty to report with failures and all of that deserves attention, but again the legislature had not clue on what they created with wanting to re-do most of the state’s social services IT infrastructures at the same time and integrate it with an insurance exchange, not to mention the 9 additional months of customized code required for the 1700 verification points the legislature called for when most had 240 to 400. 

There was even an entity of IBM that withdrew their proposal so these were big folks that took one look and saw the time frame and the complexities, and said ummmm “we don’t think we want to go there”…and gosh knows the Feds could have used some of that thinking and a bit more honesty with their chosen contractors as their contractors too told them all “yes we can do it”:)  At any rate I hope Rocky gets the medical care he needs. 

Nobody realized the stress and time it takes with huge complex IT projects like this and we have a lot of the “Sebelius Syndrome” circulating around where she has no data mechanics logic and I don’t remember her ever saying one word of thanks for the tech folks and in public she comes off more like being frustrated or mad because the IT end of things makes her look bad, but what more can you expect from a digital nonparticipant for the most part that wants to “hurry up Health IT”…that’s a true uneducated novice’s perception saying that and all tech folks know it and chuckle with the lack of logic at the top.  Furthermore asking the OIG to investigate project, well how many java, Red Hat, Oracle, MarkLogic experts do they have, like about none as last I remember the White House had to bring some in <grin>. 

Anyway I wrote a short while back about feeling sorry for Rocky and the folks at the Oregon exchange too as again most of what you saw was old fashioned “witch hunt” news reporting without the whole story and not very often does anyone say enough kind words about the folks in IT that works their fannies off and the amount of stress their jobs entail, part of the reason I don’t want to write code anymore in that environment for sure, almost totally thankless and no matter what you do and can’t humanly control, you end being the dirty dog all the time as folks don’t understand all of it and how it does or does not work.  BD

Head of Cover Oregon Insurance Exchange Taking Medical Leave of Absence While Work on The Site Continues with a December Target Date To Be Online…

Rocky King, Cover Oregon's executive director, gave notice of his resignation on Jan. 1, clearing the way for a permanent replacement.

King announced his medical leave on Dec. 2, after which Oregon Health Authority Director Bruce Goldberg took over the post on an interim basis. King at the time cited an undisclosed medical condition that had already cost him significant time off work in the previous two years.

King, who earned $181,000 a year, announced his medical leave shortly before the board was set to discuss his job performance in executive session. King, however, said the timing was dictated solely by his health.


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