Good point made on how long this is taking for the long will the rest of us have to wait for the health care legislation outcome.  BD

"If they fail to reach a compromise on covering kids, it would be pathetic," said Drew Altman, president of the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, an information clearinghouse on healthcare issues. "If they can't agree on kids, what will they be able to reach a deal on when it comes to health reform? Failure to reauthorize [the children's program] would damage many of the most important state health reform efforts around the country."
Indeed, the outcome of the battle is crucial to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to expand coverage in California — and to competing proposals from Democrats. Both would rely on federal cash from the State Children's Health Insurance Program to cover all California children. The federal-state program, known in California as Healthy Families, expires Sept. 30. Its renewal is viewed as the most important health coverage decision in Washington this year.
The California delegation split along party lines, with all Democrats in favor and all Republicans opposed.

House passes boost in kids' health plan - Los Angeles Times


  1. Healthcare reform will continue to be a joke until such time as physicians are made accountable for diagnostic testing, procedures they perform and are monitored for medical necessity for referring to themselves - laboratories, surgical centers, imaging centers in which they have a financial interest. Healthcare for children is an emotional vote-getting issue but in the meantime the 40 to 50 million uninsured adults are forgotten.

  2. If we could just somehow put health care in front of saving the all mighty dollar...everyone would be much happier....including doctors.


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