Interesting comment about the drug rep software being more sophisticated than the EHR being used for charting...they do have the information and tools to use...and they do use the information...overall good article on how to mix patient flow and retailer visits for a happy medium for all.   BD

Hearing a drug spiel over a fajita wrap may not disrupt the schedule, but drop-ins and appointments eat up roughly 60 minutes a week, Health Strategies Group reports. If you used that extra time to see four established Medicare patients, using CPT code 99213 for an intermediate visit, you'd collect roughly $60 per visit, $240 per week, and $12,000 over 50 weeks. Subtract 50 percent for overhead, and you'd net an extra $6,000 a year—just a hair under what Brewer cleared after dropping rep visits.

Benjamin Brewer agrees. "I got turned off being a sales target," he says. He couldn't stand drug reps tracking his every prescription with their computer software, which was more sophisticated than his EHR.

What drug rep visits cost you - By swearing off meetings with detailers, some doctors are seeing more patients—and watching their earnings rise. - Medical Economics


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