Employers may pass along higher premiums to workers who are over weight....BD

Looking for new ways to trim the fat and boost workers' health, some employers are starting to make overweight employees pay if they don't slim down.  Still, some lawyers say weight-based compensation plans may run afoul of other employment laws.  Still, some lawyers say weight-based compensation plans may run afoul of other employment laws.
Others, citing growing medical costs tied to obesity, are offering fit workers lucrative incentives that shave thousands of dollars a year off healthcare premiums.
In one of the boldest moves yet, an Indiana-based hospital chain last month said it decided on the stick rather than the carrot. Starting in 2009, Clarian Health Partners will charge employees as much as $30 every two weeks unless they meet weight, cholesterol and blood-pressure guidelines that the company deems healthy.

Workers are told to shape up or pay up - Los Angeles Times


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