We did a post a while back and this seems like a good place to put in a link as a refresher as it does a pretty good job explaining what is involved with knee surgery...BD 

By postponing surgery until they can no longer stand the pain, these women may also risk putting their mobility, and quality of life, on hold indefinitely, according to Lynn Snyder-Mackler, Distinguished Alumni Professor in UD's Department of Physical Therapy and a certified sports physical therapist and athletic trainer.image

"Doctors typically tell patients to wait to have knee replacements until they just can't stand the pain any longer," Snyder-Mackler said. "Our research shows that's bad advice--and worse for women than it is for men--because your level of function going into surgery generally dictates your level of function after surgery," she noted.

Why are women waiting so long before pursuing surgery?

Snyder-Mackler says there may be a number of reasons. Perhaps women can bear pain better than men, or a woman's world increasingly revolves around the home as we age, or it could be that women are just trying to follow doctor's orders.

Women wait longer to pursue knee-replacement surgery than men do


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