Good questions arise...if the eggs have genetic diseases...something that we can now track that was unavailable procedures needed to inform ahead of time? BD
But seven years after she was paid to donate her eggs, Jessica was diagnosed with colon cancer, at the age of 29. She died two years later. Hers was a rare diagnosis for someone so young and something Jessica's biological children will never know, despite Jessica's mother's attempts to contact the broker who sold her daughter's eggs.
But when Schneider asked the egg donation broker to reveal the identities of the families who had received the eggs, the broker said she had destroyed her records. Jessica donated her eggs three times.
Now, the Witts can see how the 15 pages of health information provided by their anonymous donor may not tell them everything they want to know. But at this point, they believe their donor has done more than enough. "We love them to pieces," Chris said, referring to his children. "I can't imagine life without them."
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