I just love articles of this sort as it is something I have been saying for years...anybody who attends meetings and takes notes can benefit from a tablet, beside that you don't have it sit with an 'Open Pizza Box" notebook and it's a much more natural setting. Write your notes just like you do on a Yellow Pad, but the difference here is that you have the history with you all in one place, no more digging through stacks of paper and wasting the time of others digging up information from past meeting notes. Do I do this? Of course and have done it for years with one 30 second search...piece of cake.
I still get the strange looks from folks when I show up with me electronic tablet, and have heard things to the effect of "here's Lucifer with that "thing" again...and it's just the fear and using some new technology for the most part. It's a matter of incorporating something new in to the way you do business and getting over the "fear" factor for the most part. A couple months ago at the HIMMS convention, I saw lots on display, but when it came down to folks actually using one to take notes in an intelligent conversation, not much of that going on, but I chose to do the opposite, and hey, guess what, the folks I had discussions with liked it!
Read about it here and see some visuals of a One Note Simple Intelligence File I used, neat stuff...it was a matter of making notes and at the same time showing a real interests in what was being discussed for future reference, which means on the next conversation I'm going to be update to date from the last conversation and not have to waste a potential client's time with the same items we discussed in the first encounter.
Sure I can type faster than I can write, but how many folks can stand and type on a keyboard, and how does that look....what does it do for eye contact during a discussion...pretty much nothing there. It makes me wonder how in the world does one remember everything they discussed at a convention with over 900 booths? It's better to have notes when you are in that type of atmosphere as you will not remember everything after the fact. I use the tablet to dictate too...another somewhat "frightful" thought for many, but it's not hard at all. When I am mobile, inking and dictation are the way to go!!
The blog has an entire section related to Tablets PCs, which you can link to from here or use the Tablet PC section on the site. I am always open to any questions as well, software, server applications, etc. and how they work with a Tablet PC...BD
Not just for doctors and cops anymore, the new breed of tablet PCs could be the cure for your company’s mobile computing headaches. First, tablets can be useful for office workers who tote hardbound diaries and portfolios into meetings to keep track of commitments and to-do lists.
From hospital wards to police cruisers, tablet PCs have become a common sight among specialized users without offices and those who need to compute while standing. But as applications and support for tablets improve, even more sedentary office workers could benefit from
these devices.The journal application is just one of many general-purpose applications that can record handwriting and allow fast text searches. Indeed, a key attraction of a tablet is that notes can be organized. Plus, meetings can be more social, since users can’t hide behind laptop screens, and no one has to listen to the sound of clacking keyboards.
It’s a very handy tool for engaging people and making your points more clearly,” he says, “and it’s a great way to capture what’s going on at a meeting in real time.”
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