No charge for anyone wanting to register to be a donor...and you can do it a home as the article states....good for the first 46,000 people to register...BD 

"The National Marrow Donor Program is running a campaign from May 5 to 19, but I don't feel they are really emphasizing that registration is free to the first 10 000 people who register with them online during this period. In a previous BB post, a woman really wanted to help and said she couldn't afford it. This enables people who want to get on the registry who haven't been able to afford it to register online with a cheek swab kit, WITHOUT EVEN LEAVING HOME.

The US has a severe shortage for many donor pools and needs to diversify their donor pool as well."

Free marrow-donor kit and registration - Boing Boing

Hat Tip:  Medgadget


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