Information from a wireless device can be captured and have the potential to be integrated into an electronic medical records system...what is nice here is the option to use a UMPC, ultra mobile computer as well as a Blackberry or other mobile phone device...thus you have the benefit of viewing a larger screen....BD  image

IgeaCare is an innovator in the field of intelligent healthcare solutions (e-health) for patients at home or on the go. The solution can remotely handle CDM (Chronic Disease Management) by capturing medical information from wireless medical devices and establishing video visits (e-visits). The solution automates electronic record of care and track patient outcomes, making it possible to implement integration of patient data into an Electronic Health Record (EHR).image

The Healthanywhere software is delivered securely over the cellular network by way of smart phones such as BlackBerry's, portable tablet PCs, home patient stations, stationary and mobile kiosks. Telehealth solutions have numerous applications such as screening and diagnosis of medical conditions, daily monitoring of vital signs and medication reminders, secure real-time transfer and access to medical information and provide an information portal for families.

eHealth Mobile Solutions For Chronic Disease Management


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