Interesting study, but if the device is tied to the hip, well I guess what harm could come from a message reminding one to take their meds....adults could use this too..BD 

WASHINGTON - 4gt yr meds? Getting kids to remember their medicine may be a text message away.image

Cincinnati doctors are experimenting with texting to tackle a big problem: Tweens and teens too often do a lousy job of controlling chronic illnesses like asthma, diabetes or kidney disease.

It's a problem long recognized in adults, particularly for illnesses that can simmer without obvious symptoms until it's too late. But only now are doctors realizing how tricky a time adolescence is for skipping meds, too.Even when parents try to keep close tabs, "kids are cunning," Drotar notes. "Parents are in a bind because there's pushback."

Dr. Maria Britto, an asthma specialist at Cincinnati Children's, noticed that even when she's talking to adolescent patients perched on the clinic exam table, they'll keep texting on their cell phones."You have to get in their face a little," she says with a laugh.

Text nagging prods teens to take meds - Health care-


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