Is there anything that doesn’t get studied today?  I guess if you had an MRi not seeing enough use, this could help recover costs on down time…BD 

You don't have to be a scientist to observe that pornographic images lead to erections in men. But you would have to be one to show those images to volunteers while meticulously measuring the volume of response in the brain and penis.

The study, says Mouras, is the first to suggest that mirror neurons are involved not only in observed actions, but in the "automatic" responses to those observations – in this case, erection.

Vilayanur Ramachandran, at the University of California at San Diego, who also studies mirror neurons, calls it a "bold" study, and congratulates the group on defying the taboo on studying human sexual physiology.

Mirror neurons control erection response to porn - sex - 16 June 2008 - New Scientist


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