Preparation H is making some kind of a comeback today for uses other than what it is supposed to be used for.  Seems like this is following recent pharma trends in a sense, imagebut anyway back to the story here, it can be helpful, but not recommended for repeated use by any means around your eyes.  There have been recent stories about folks at night clubs smearing it all over their bodies as well to get a “wasted” appearance.  This doctor recommends eating a banana instead…BD   

Preparation H is, of course, a hemorrhoid cream. It contains phenylephrine, a powerful constrictor of blood vessels. It helps hemorrhoids by constricting the blood vessels, squeezing the blood out of the hemorroid, and causing them to shrink. In theory, Preparation H can do the same thing for your puffy eyes. The phenylephrine will constrict the delicate blood vessels under your eyes, squeezing the fluid out and reducing the puffiness.

Puffy Eyes and Preparation H | The Derm Blog

Source:  Kevin, MD


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