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Very nice article, and right to the point and with a little humor as well.  Primary care physician Dr. Rob telling it like it is.  Great article!  BD 

I am a doctor - a primary care physician. When people as me what being a doctor is like, I always have to pause and think a bit. It is just part of who I am, like being a guy, someone who lives in the southeast, or a musician. Nobody asks me what it is like being a musician; but there is something different being a doctor. When people find out what I do, they treat me differently. Even my family has acted differently toward me since I became a physician.image

I don’t use my title much. I don’t want to be called “doctor” outside of my office, in fact it bugs me when people do it. Being a doctor is my job, and although it is a lot of me, it is not me. I could walk away from it and still be myself.

I do stay awake worrying about the business. That’s the part of my job I feel least qualified to do.  Fortunately for me, my partners have taken a lot of that burden off of my shoulders.  Still, the money side of medicine will drive me to retirement far faster than the stress of medical decisions.

Source:  Kevin, MD


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