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The cost would be less than MRI imaging and so far is showing a better accuracy rate than mammograms, but it is not a replacement but rather a method for high risk women.  If the tests show better and more accurate results, the cost could be around $500.00 versus $1000.00 with an MRI, testing continuing at the Mayo Clinic.  Work is still in progress to reduce the amount of radiation exposure.  BD 

MILWAUKEE (AP) A radioactive tracer that lights up cancer hiding inside dense breasts showed promise in its first big test against mammograms, revealing more tumors and giving fewer false alarms, doctors reported Wednesday.

The experimental method, molecular breast imaging, or M.B.I., would not replace mammograms for women at average risk for cancer. But it might become an additional tool for higher-risk women with a lot of dense tissue that makes tumors hard to spot on mammograms, and at a lower cost than magnetic resonance imaging, or M.R.I. About one-fourth of women 40 and older have dense breasts.

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb, which makes the imaging agent used in the study, paid for the work.

Researchers See Promise in New Test for Tumors -

Hat Tip:  InteractMD


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