You might be a narcissist if….interesting how it identified those with a very high number of contacts as being within this range, but not everyone who is on Facebook is narcissist, but the article says even the novices can recognize them.  I have an account but it ends up being more of an extension of the information on this blog and a spot for FriendFeed posts to be seen in one spot.  BD    image

Have a Facebook account? Laura Buffardi, doctoral student in psychology, and associate professor W. Keith Campbell from the University of Georgia says it may tell them you are a narcissist. Narcissism is not just attention-seeking or wanting to be liked. Clearly everyone who signs up for a social media site wants to interact with  others. It is more severe and characterized by an inability to form healthy, long-term relationships.

The researchers found that the number of Facebook friends and wall posts that individuals have on their profile pages correlates with narcissism. Buffardi said this is consistent with how narcissists behave in the real-world, with numerous yet shallow relationships. Narcissists are also more likely to choose glamorous, self-promoting pictures for their main profile photos, she said, while others are more likely to use snapshots.

Untrained observers were able to detect the narcissists also.   Still, he points out that because narcissists tend to have more contacts on Facebook, any given Facebook user is likely to have an online friend population with a higher proportion of narcissists than in the real world

Narcissists Can Be Identified By Their Facebook Accounts - Psychologists | Scientific Blogging


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