Words of advice with a bit of humor from the Happy Hospitalist, and he probably has seen it all.  BD

I have seen patients fake a seizure. It's hilarious. In fact, I had an old man just recently go into a seizure fit when I told him he was going home, just after I asked him if he had ever had a seizure. Of course the nurse, who happened to be standing there, came out and told me he just had a seizure. It apparently lasted 30 seconds. Then he vomited. He was telling me just after the event: "I don't feel good". Talking normal, like nothing had just happened. And the shaking was classically faked. People don't raise their arms in the air and flap like a chicken when they are having a seizure.

If you are a patient, and you are going to fake a seizure, at least know what you are doing. Maybe bite your tongue really hard. Make it bleed. Perhaps you can pee all over yourself. Enough to make Billy Madison proud. And for crying out loud, don't talk to me while you're having a seizure. That's an automatic no no. Trying to fake a seizure usually makes you look like a fool and anything you say there after is taken with a grain of salt. You may be able to fake out your family, but we in the health care profession have seen it all.

The Happy Hospitalist: Medical Voyeurism


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