The procedure involves a 20-30 minute minimally-invasive surgical procedure to place the magnetic beads at the base of the esophagus and  the magnetic attraction between the beads supports the valve to protect the esophagus from reflux.  The band consists of rare earth magnets encased in titanium and each patient is a custom fit.  image

The trial involves 100 patients, and who knows someday, GERD might be treated by device instead of medications.  BD 

More than 20 million Americans suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), experienced by many as chronic heartburn. Medication offers short-term relief for some sufferers of this disease. For those seeking a non-prescription alternative, a magnetic device, currently being evaluated at UC San Diego Medical Center, may provide a long-term solution.
The device, called the LINX Reflux Management System, is being studied at UC San Diego Medical Center as part of a US and European multicenter clinical trial. Santiago Horgan, MD, director of minimally invasive surgery at UC San Diego Medical Center, is the site's principal investigator.


The current multicenter clinical trial, sponsored by the device manufacturer Torax Medical, Inc. of Shoreview, Minnesota, will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the device in up to 100 patients.

From the Website:


The LINX™ procedure is performed by a surgeon using a minimally invasive surgical technique, called laparoscopy. The device is placed around the distal esophagus, just above the stomach, in the area of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES).



Magnetic Device Studied As Treatment For Heartburn And Acid Reflux


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