In Arizona, a new organization is offering another alternative for those who do not have insurance and can still afford an annual membership fee. You do get some initial services included in the membership and tests that are normally provided in the concurrence of taking care of your health.
This also allows the physician to have his/her compensation up front and is guaranteeing a limited amount of services, and one visit a month to the doctor. It appears to be structured similar to what one might receive with an HMO, but it is not insurance. There are no co-pays.
With current compensation rates from insurers being so low and questionable, this might offer some real breaks to those for keeping up with normal visits and procedures for day to day healthcare. Of course, something outside the realm of what is covered appears to be up for either discussion and/or negotiation. This would also allow an individual to carry an insurance plan with a high deductible from that side of the coin as well and yet still maintain regular healthcare check ups and tests.
What is also interesting is the dispersing of generic medications from the office, and of course one could always use one of the $4.00 plans too offered by many retailers. Depending on how it is received by physicians I am guessing will determine the success rate for the program as well as how many patients enroll. It looks to be somewhat of a viable plan to take care of everyday health concerns that we all have when visiting our primary care MD and it would make the accounting portion easier for the office with only one annual fee. BD
Additional Press Information can be read here.
From the Website:
No Insurance Club members only pay ONE ANNUAL FEE for the benefits. Whether you have medical insurance or not, No Insurance Club is the perfect option for you, your family, or your business. Remember, there are No Co-Pays, No Deductibles and No Monthly Premiums... Ever. Sign Up Now
Joining the Club is easy. Just click the sign up tab and follow the instructions. You can view each location in our network, and see exactly what services they provide at that specific location. Simply sign the Patient Agreement form, pay your yearly membership fee, and you're covered.
Choose from a membership option below:
Single Membership - $480.00
- FREE - 12 Visits to the provider annually (12 months)
- FREE - Complete Blood Panel (1 annually)
- FREE - Office Tests and Services (may vary per location) Search Locations
- CHEAP - Basic Prescriptions, typically from In-Office Pharmacy See List
- GREAT - No Co-pays, No Deductibles, and No Monthly Premiums... Ever
- VIP Treatment - Doctors love No Insurance Club Patients
- MORE - Coming Soon!
Family Membership - $680.00
- FREE - 16 Visits to the provider annually (12 months)
- FREE - Complete Blood Panel (1 annually)
- FREE - Office Tests and Services (may vary per location) Search Locations
- CHEAP - Basic Prescriptions, typically from In-Office Pharmacy See List
- GREAT - No Co-pays, No Deductibles, and No Monthly Premiums... Ever
- VIP Treatment - Doctors love No Insurance Club Patients
- MORE - Coming Soon!
Student Membership - (Coming Soon)
(Additional Services) - Prescriptions - $5.00 and Labs - $14.95
- FULL LIST of over 200 Additional Prescriptions from $1.00 - $4.00
- ANNUAL - Liver Test and Kidney Test
- ANNUAL - Blood Count, Electrolytes, Cholesterol and Lipid Panels
- MORE - Coming Soon!
Press Release Below:
Posted At : February 23, 2009 12:47 AM | Posted By : NoInsurance Club
Related Categories: NewsGilbert MD is Revolutionizing Health Care With Radical Low-Cost Solutions
How to get preventative health care from a board certified doctor with no co-pays, deductibles or premiums
Gilbert, Arizona - January 10, 2009 - Dr. Sam Sannoufi, MD and Gilbert businessman Chad Harris have come up with a solution for providing low-cost health coverage they feel will change an aging health care system that is spiraling out of control. The No Insurance Club is a members-only prepaid health care program that offers an affordable alternative to traditional medical insurance.
"The No insurance Club is exactly what patients need. It is a perfect bridge to cross the gap for thousands of patients that have no insurance, who have recently lost their insurance, or have catastrophic coverage and no basic doctor visit services. Patients are raving about the No Insurance Club," said Dr. J Napoleon Ortiz, MD of Higley Family Medicine in Gilbert. "The club is just that, a members-only program that provides affordable services for the basic everyday doctor visits."
The club comes at a critical time when insurance premiums and general health care continue to rise. More employers are passing on a greater percentage of the cost to their employees while independent policies are generally feasible for major medical only due to their exorbitant costs and are not considered a viable option for office visits. "Health care has become a national crisis," said Chad Harris, No Insurance Club director. "More than 87 million people go to bed at night without health insurance due to the outrageous costs of being insured. We feel the No Insurance Club offers a better solution than socializing the system which seems to be the path to have the healthy subsidize the sick and penalize the doctors even more."
No Insurance Club members are treated as VIPs by board-certified MDs. Club membership includes preferential appointment setting, free office visits and services, medications filled at the clinic while you wait for $4 or less per month yearly full panel blood tests, no co-pay, deductibles or premiums ever for one low annual membership fee. Individual plans include 12 annual visits and families share 16 visits per year.
The No Insurance Club is currently available in Phoenix and San Diego, Tampa and Las Vegas opening this month.
About the No Insurance Club Members without medical insurance now have a club that is perfect for the uninsured. They can see a board certified physician throughout the year, receive free tests, deep discount prescriptions, free annual full panel blood work all for one low annual fee. No deductibles, co-pays or premiums ever.
Editors Note: For more information please visit
With office rental increasing, it doesn't make much sense to have a physical office. I believe the future of most businesses will be virtual and leveraging off using a virtual office space.
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ReplyDeleteI have joined the No Insurance Club and I Love it! My Doctor see's me right away and I have saved so much money. My Doctor is a true Doctor that was born to help people
ReplyDeleteWhat would anyone think of an interview for more information on the company? I could do one and see if more information here would help and be useful?