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CNN put out a video showing what it looks like in Mexico, including a hospital and how healthcare professionals are reacting and treating patients.  Hope it doesn’t get to this point here in the US.  As you can see, there’s a lot of confusion too with information and what and what not to do.  BD 

Fear and skepticism on the streets of Mexico have led to panic buying and deep suspicions about the government.

Can officials handle a deadly swine flu epidemic, many people are asking, and are authorities lying about what's really going on?

You can't find a bottle of hand sanitizer or a face mask for sale anywhere in town, said resident Adrian Garrido. He admits to his own panic buying: bottled water, canned goods and powdered milk for his two sons, ages 6 months and 6 years.

Swine flu fears grip Mexico -

Related Reading:

Swine Flu: Dr. Oz Speaks Out and Gives Some Advice and Information

Making Money from the Swine Flu – Shirts and Games Appear on the Web

First Death Victim of Swine Flu in US was visiting from Mexico

Dr. Sanjay Gupta in Mexico – Masks are Everywhere

Global Map to View Swine Flu Alerts – HealthMap for Global Disease

Influenza Tracking Project – Now You Can Talk about it on Facebook


  1. Remember there are an estimated 36,000 people dying every year due to the seasonal flu. This Mexico flu virus (like Hong-Kong flu and Spanish flu) has only reportedly killed 1 (one) individual in the US so to talk about a killer virus is really the 24/7 media mania.

  2. A 1968 a "Hong Kong" flu pandemic killed about one million people globally. In a 1918 "Spanish" flu pandemic between 40 million and 100 million people died. However, the WHO says the world is now better prepared to withstand a flu pandemic.

    You can get a complete Swine Flu guide at


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