You know after reading this article, this makes a good case for the uninsured to create a political group and begin lobbying.  There are always thoseimage good folks who believe in a cause and will help, it’s all over the web, and in case anyone has looked of late, there are many more uninsured today and growing, so this articles states that the uninsured are a waste of time?  This is not a very human friendly post and obviously the writer’s mind is on money. 

I wonder how anyone can plan well when they get sick or injured today?  

"We would never want to organize the uninsured by themselves because Americans see the problem as affordability, and that is the key thing," he said.”

The comment above says how dangerous the employed could be, well there are many who never anticipated being uninsured much less unemployed.  Unfortunately when it comes to analysis and budgets, this is a prime example of what you are seeing more of, with little lack or support for fellow humans one one that can’t come out from the under the beans they spend a lifetime counting.  What’s is sad, is that there’s more attitudes and opinions out there that resemble this than we are aware of.  One good thing though is the Obama administration that is open for comments so hopefully these folks that speak in condescending terms of such as this can hopefully be squelched to a degree, as  they are also part of the problem.  BD 

WASHINGTON - If the uninsured were a political lobbying group, they'd have more members than AARP. The National Mall couldn't hold them if they decided to march on Washington.

But going without health insurance is still seen as a personal issue, a misfortune for many and a choice for some. People who lose coverage often struggle alone instead of turning their frustration into political action.

"We would never want to organize the uninsured by themselves because Americans see the problem as affordability, and that is the key thing," he said.

Besides, added Kirsch, the uninsured are too busy scrambling to make ends meet. Many are self-employed; others are holding two or three part-time jobs. "They may not have a lot of time to be activists," he said….But if I help out the uninsured, they are not likely to help members of Congress get re-elected."

But even if gaps in coverage are only temporary, they can be dangerous. "Whenever you are uninsured, you are at risk," said Schoen. "People don't plan very well when they are going to get sick or injured."

America’s uninsured lack political power - Health care-


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