The actual language addresses coats, long sleeves and ties for healthcare workers when coming in contact with patients.  Do you know how often imagesome of those white coats get washed?  Ask if you are curious and chances are they do not end up washed daily.  The other culprit the tie, is in the same boat.  Recently on Oprah, Dr. Oz asked the question and made a good point, asking the doctor if he had ever washed his tie.  The AMA says by vote the coats need to go. 

We are now more than ever becoming aware with any clothing, medical devices, etc. that have the potential of spreading MRSA or any other types of infections or viruses.  Now on the same subject, here’s something from a recent post, the technology answer to washing hands, and it’s actually very cool. 

Real Time Monitoring of When you Washed your Hands – Don’t Touch that Patient Until You Have Washed Your Hands

All we need to do now is find money for the hospitals to purchase and use it the Hygreen product. 

Visit the link to see how the entire process works.  BD

The way the system operated with the bedside monitor, the patient will see the green light too, so they will know if you have washed your hands too.   If the green light doesn’t appear you get a reminder to stop and wash with your ID tag that will vibrate.  I can say this is better than a voice calling out.   This is a full on data trail of who and when hands have been washed.  Read below to see an example of the reporting functions.  If you missed a hand washingimage

As we noted last week, AMA delegates holding their annual meeting were slated to vote on a recommendation that hospitals ban white coats in a bid to help protect patients from infection.

Well, the votes are in and the ban was approved. Delegates said they agreed that the risk of cuffs spreading infection between hospital patients isn’t worth the symbolism of the white coat.

AMA: the White Coats Are Going, the White Coats Are Going - Health Blog - WSJ

Related Reading:

Doc's white coat falls prey to superbug fears

Researchers create solar tie that charges, carries cell phone - but not for doctors, especially in the UK


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