Sometimes you can’t win for losing as this video shows what happened in Texas, the ER docs were instructed to bring up admissions if they could on marginal cases, so they did, and the reward was getting fired when the business intelligence software said some were not necessary, so this is a double …
Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut Has Prostate Cancer – Using Recess to Have Surgery

What is very disturbing about all of this too is Rush Limbaugh blasting him about where he’s going to have surgery and attacks him. Listen to the audio below and hear how mean and cold he is. This is ridiculous relating this to insurance (which we know is a problem) and our broken system. Rush in…
Saxagliptin aka Onglyza Approved by FDA – Diabetes Medication For Diabetes 2

It appears 2 drug makers are collaborating and as stated below will give Merck some competition in this new class of drugs which is using the action of hormones to increase the body’s usage of sugar. Diabetes treatments are getting a lot attention and are coming in different shapes and sizes, lik…
Doctor Self-Referrals – Physician Owned CT Scanners Questioned Again

Here goes the same question again, are they being over used. Well this time I’m going to speak out a bit from some personal experience where I worked with a physician’s practice, writing software that connected to the information from the CT scanner, which involved a bit of my time on premise so I…
Health Issues on Vacation, Call Your Insurer and Have Information with You in a Personal Health Record

This is a good bit of advice from a post in the New York Times about what to think about when you go on vacation as he stated even at Disneyland you might have a fall or in his instance his toe. The only one item that I would elaborate on here and think about changing to fit me would be to have …
2 new Moms in Northern California Die from Swine Flu

We are not out of the woods yet and the H1N1 virus is still being watched with pregnant women being identified as a big risk. Also in the news recently pages at the Senate could have Swine flu, so maybe recess at this time is a good thing. BD US Senate – 5 Pages May have Contracted Swine Flu …
Hospital News – California and Pennsylvania Money Issues

In California hospitals need to retrofitted to meet earthquake standards by the years 2013 and 1015 and most surveyed felt they were not going to be able to meet the deadline, which could in time force more closures. In Pennsylvania more hospitals are sliding into the red, big jump of over 20% wit…
Customer Asset Protection Company (CAPCO) Reinsurance Firm – Can They Handle the Lehman Bankruptcy and Pay Claims?

New York is now investigating if the company sold policies without the assets to cover, sound somewhat like short selling without the funds to back it doesn’t it? The hedge funds are looking at CAPCO for information and probably some money too when it comes to settling the Lehman bankruptcy, and t…
Nearly 30% of Insured Are Already Covered by Government Healthcare Plans in the US

This is an interesting ongoing Gallup pole, so getting close to 1/3 of the population with a government plan of some sort and this includes Medicare, Medicaid and Military coverage, so it appears we have one big chunk already working through a government program. Employer based insurance is still t…
Burning Medical Records Found Near Shopping Center – Paper Records Bon Fire in Kentucky

It appears we still have a problem with shredders and perhaps the time it takes, and still stories like this one, medical records found in a small bon fire near a shopping center, but at least the report stated that most were burnt beyond recognition so that’s good news for the patients in one resp…
Strong Perfume Evacuates Office, Sends 30 to the Hospital and Paramedics to the Scene

Allergies must be among us, or at least they were at the Bank of America, but how does one confuse carbon monoxide with perfume unless it is one of those new blends that is supposed to smell that way (grin). Employees complained of having chest pains and headaches and the ones that did not go to t…
FDA Approves Hypertension Drug (with Conditions) that You Inhale - Tyvaso

This is more than just a drug, it is a drug and a delivery system technically. More and more I seem to be seeing more drugs steering towards an inhalable formula. This is not the first one as there are others on the market. The first one that everyone seems to remember was the “huge” giant inhal…
Quest Diagnostics and Health IT – Interview with Rohit Nayak, Vice President of Sales, Clinical Information Solutions Group, MedPlus

Last week I had the opportunity to speak with Rohit Nayak, Vice President of Sales, Clinical Information Solutions group at MedPlus. MedPlus is the health information technology subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics and you may already be a bit familiar with the MedPlus name as they have marketed an e-pr…
The Medical Caduceus Has Taken On A Strange New Look

We all know the symbol and recently an anonymous group proposed that we consider the image below to reflect our current situation here in the US with the healthcare debate and reform in progress. (grin). Use this link for the history if you want to know more with how the symbol originated. …
Surgery, the past, today and the future – Robotics

If you not seen this video, it is well worth the watch as Catherine Mohr walks us through surgery of days past, where it was done as a public exposition without anesthesia to where we are today and discussed the DaVinci Robot and the next plateau with only having one incision at some point instead o…
Cigna profit grows but based on Non Health Care Entities

Life Insurance and International Sales were the 2 areas that showed substantial profit increases and domestic membership is projected to continue to fall. They are also alive in the online patient visit areas for compensation for physicians which has been in the news of late. BD Medical insurers …
Health Net and Humana File Protests over Military Healthcare Awards to UnitedHealthcare and Aetna

The battle between insurers begins and who may end up being the losers, the consumers as it takes money to pay the lawyers to facilitate the legal battles and of course there’s the time in court. One the additional legal costs start accruing, will the 80% target of premium money being spent on act…
US Senate – 5 Pages May have Contracted Swine Flu

Recess might be coming at a good time, and perhaps our next session could see a Congress wearing masks when deliberating. If nothing else is drills down the importance too of getting healthcare reform done and not dragging it out longer than needed. Recently in the news Quest Labs also now has a …
Arizona May Sell Government Buildings Including the State House, Senate, and a Hospital

Financials in Arizona have not improved much and included in the potential sale is a hospital. The state is not alone as California and Connecticut and a few other states are considering the same. I grew up in Arizona and spent a few years in the 70s working in the Capitol building and there are…
Connected Care – Webcam Remote Visits Explained by UnitedHealthCare

Here’s a look at the mobile units on video. This is a remote visit with the physician. The technology is great and helpful, but one question that pops to mind though, where do the funds come from exactly as there have been big questions on how much of premium payments are applied to claims and hea…