As information the Department of Defense has a website that can be used also as a gateway to find helpful information with most sections of the military to include Tri-Care for insurance.  Listed below are the featured events/information for the month of August. 

If you don’t know where to start with military healthcare information, bookmark this site as it appears to have links and information to many other divisions and it’s easy to find.   Links listed below include their Twitter and Facebook pages, although I remembered hearing something this week that some portions of the military may not be able to use some social networks.  BD 


-Be wise, immunize! Find resources in the MHS for immunization awareness at our Immunization Awareness page at

-We are also putting the "focus" on Eye Health this month. Find a collection of resources at

-We featured Outdoor Safety in the month of July, and you can find a great collection of helpful information and sites at

-Send Immunization Awareness e-cards to your friends and loved ones. New mothers and older people should make sure they are up-to-date on their immunizations. Find them at our Flickr account at

-Keep up to date with MHS news as well as immunization and eye health tips and advice on our Twitter account at

-Become a fan of the Military Health System and tell your friends to fan us too at

Also, stay up to the minute on disaster preparedness at and find all of our social media accounts at

More information and resources, including guest blogs from a variety of experts, will be available this month on

Welcome to the Military Health System Website


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