Aetna CEO Ronald Williams had some surprise visitors with the not so usual “trick or treaters” on his door step. The group has plans for more events and being the night before Halloween is called “beggars night” there could be additional activity this evening according to the article. People dressed up in scrubs and had bags of Advil, cough drops and vitamins to hand out to his neighbors as well.
The focus of the trick or treat march was to ask insurers to stop paying lobbyists to battle against the public plan action. Mr. Williams did not answer the door and members of the group continued on to the neighbors' houses, occasionally with police patrol cars passing by, but not interrupting the process. The group also left notes on the doorstep with their complaints and issues stated. BD
FARMINGTON — Jamie Mott wanted to tell Aetna CEO Ronald Williams that she wants to find fulfilling work despite a disability that leaves her in chronic pain and without adequate health care due to a “pre-existing” condition.
So she and nearly a dozen other activists from Health Care For America Now! decided to take Mott’s case to Williams’ home here to hand out “treats” such as Advil and cough drops and personally ask him to stop denying coverage and bucking a public health care plan.
“I think everyone is human and I’m hoping to put a human face on the health care crisis,” the 32-year-old Mott said minutes before she and the group knocked on Williams’ front door in the Devonwood section of town. “I’m hoping he’ll do the right thing and give access instead of denying it.”The action was one of 40 tio be staged throughout the country through Halloween to ask large health insurance executives to stop “their tricks” by denying coverage and paying lobbyists to battle against a public health care option.
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