We can’t seem to figure this out so now we have someone to run the algorithms and tell us:)  The purpose is to help companies of course learn moreimage about us, if that is possible at this state.  The reason I say this is that a “normal consumer” no longer exists.  I get email every week about the utmost MD experts who knows all the facts about H1N1 too, and other companies that all tell me “there’s nobody doing what we are doing” which is fact true as they are all designing and developing their own algorithms to somehow come to the same end result.  In this case, it’s about what make us patients and consumers tick.  Someone earlier this week had some real words of wisdom and I don’t remember where I saw it, so my apologies for not having the source but here it is:

“Humans (patients) don’t scale”.  Ok, that is data talk and anyone building data bases of information wants software that “scales”.  In short, I am making this point to demonstrate we have way too many differences at way too many levels to be categorized at times to some infinite data being searched.  We can maybe develop a curve type of scoring effort, but it’s never going to be 100% and that’s somewhat the goal here, or should I say at least enough of the 100% to capture a market. 

Technology at it’s rapid pace also throws a money wrench into all of this, so add one new monkey wrench to what was calculated last week and it’s back once more to writing a better algorithm!  Gee, no wonder the consumer is confused!  We will have the results with the information returned and at least know what part or parts of the branding that gets us ticking:)  BD 

Healthy Advice Networks, the nation's leading provider of physician office-based patient-education programs, announces a  groundbreaking measurement program to track consumer purchase behavior, not just purchase intent, for OTC and consumer health brands. In order to grow their revenue and justify investments designed to capture market share, brands today want to measure the correlation of their health messages to purchase volume. To address this need Healthy Advice has developed new Physician Media ROI metrics utilizing HealthScape(TM) Consumer that analyzes integrated patient and consumer data.

HealthScape(TM) Consumer is a longitudinal panel of 150,000 consumers and is the only single-source informatics solution with Rx, OTC and consumer brand transactions and attitudinal and behavioral consumer information. By measuring the transactions of Healthy Advice viewers participating in the panel, HealthScape(TM) Consumer tracks the efficacy of Healthy Advice sponsor messages. HealthScape(TM) Consumer is jointly owned by Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions and The Nielsen Company. Initial research has shown outstanding results for Healthy Advice sponsors. A food brand increased volume by over 50% in 6 months by targeting consumers in Healthy Advice's Primary Care Network. The brand educated its audience about its health benefits, drove trial and received the implied endorsement of respected physicians. In addition, incremental sales were valued at more than 10 times the cost of the program.

HealthScape Consumer to analyze patient and consumer data


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