If you missed this last night, it worth listening to.  Dr. Oz does some waste line measurements with Jimmy and talks about your waist should be according to your imageheight.

The next video continues on with measuring Jimmy’s partner on the show, Guerillmo and they talk about having too much body fast turns into estrogen for men. Next on it gets real interesting with measure testicles.  Then out comes the “purple gloves”.  This is funny.  They begin talking about testicle size.  If they are the right size then one should have all the libido needed:)

You can see what happened in the picture here and that’s in video #2. 

In video #3 things really get going here when size is discussed. 

Only Dr. Oz could do this laughing and at the same time get the information across! 

Dr. Oz thinks that men’s penises are too long because the women want it that way.  The video clips away to a spot from the Dr. Oz show.  Anyway, this is very funny about talking clinically about length in a humorous way. 

The conversation goes on to talk about the right size of condom to use too.  Dr. Oz should have definitely increased his show ratings with this appearance, good information given and was worth the humor added in here too.  BD


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