Would you like to know more about Dr. Hamburg, listen to her address. image She talks not only about the students but also about here feelings and dedication as head of the FDA.  She commends community outreach programs.  The concern for man and his fate she states is imperative.  She did her medical residency in New York and served as the city’s health commissioner.  She talks about the early days of AIDS and the need for integrated health services. 

There is no substitute for human caring and compassion she states and that patients put their their trust in their doctorsimage first, not a machine.  Medicine is also an art who bring both technology and humanity and caring to the bedside.  The  more dependent that doctors become on technology she says its easy to lose track of compassion and caring and urges students not to lose it.  She also talks about evidence based medicine and the importance it has.  Good decision making requires good listening skills she states, and hold on to the “moral compass” and see yourself as part of a “team” and show compassion for the uninsured.  Great address to the graduating class!  BD 

Albert Einstein Commencement–Dr. Margaret Hamburg FDA Commish

Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., the 21st commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, delivers the commencement address at Albert Einstein College of Medicine's 2012 commencement ceremony at Avery Fisher Hall in New York City on May 30



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