CureHunter search engine goes beyond regular dictionaries by ... CureHunter can read the entire US National Library of Medicine Medline Archive and automatically extract and qualify the evidence for successful clinical outcomes of all known drugs for human disease...the mobile version is free for licensed physicians to reference from a PDA....CureHunter evidence data can be directly integrated into your EMR systems such as Epic, GE Centricity, and VA CPRS. Universities and research organizations can take advantage of data export with powerful tools from the SAS Institute, Mathematica, Salford and original data modeling systems.  BD

Quantified evidence for drug efficacy made accessible during the patient visit...
Evidence-Based Medicine is now possible in Real Clinical Time.image

Drug Re-targeting and Purposing Analysis: CureHunter can compute optimal off-label applications for existing drugs in your portfolio in as little as 90 days, reduce time to market by many years, and drive development costs down by well over 50%. image

Formulary Optimization for HMOs, and Payer-Providers: CureHunter Medication Effectiveness Evidence can be mapped to drug pricing data to optimize return on drug investment by showing which medications produce the best rates of patient recovery while minimizing the adverse events that force recurring visits.

Company | CureHunter


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