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Like many others, I have joined the network, but I am slow to add folks as of yet...but the best part of this whole LinkedIn site is the add on for Outlook...even if you have not used the features of connecting with others, the toolbar has one great feature, copy and paste text from any email and create a contact....if nothing else is used here, this one feature along makes it worth while.  It sure beats the heck out of typing each individual contact in Outlook.  Very simple, highlight the text and use the "grab" button on the toolbar. You can also link your Outlook contacts but that is one more feature I have not used. 

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And the other feature I like is the helps keep me up to date on my emails and tasks.  The names have been erased here to protect the innocent...but this is definitely helping me stay on top of my emails and correspondence.  Again, I have yet to add anyone to the network but I am sure enjoying the toolbar features.  If you live in Outlook like I do, give this one some serious thought...I read recently where Bill Gates is now on Linked In...BD 


  • Build your network from frequent contacts
  • Manage your LinkedIn contacts in Outlook
  • Stay connected to your network
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn Tools: Outlook Toolbar


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