Worth a look, especially since it is free...you need a powerful enough processor(s) and at least 1 G of ram to use the software ...and a good graphics card...it also supports 64 bit computing...and if you are an Apple user, don't forget about Osirix...which is also open source and free....BD

imageMIview is an OpenGL based medical image viewer that contains useful tools such as a DICOM anonymizer and format conversion utility. MIView can read DICOM, Analyze/Nifti, and raster images, and can write Analyze/Nifti and raster images. It can also read and convert DICOM mosaic images. The main goal of MIView is to provide a platform to load any type of medical image and be able to view and manipulate the image. Volume rendering is the main type of advanced visualization that I'm trying to implement.

MIView - gbooksoft.com

Hat Tip:  Medgadget


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