Good story from Robert Scoble...about leadership at the CEO level...he found it in San Antonio...good story and I reference leadership myself quite frequently as that is the key role to technology adaptation in HealthCare IT....look around at various healthcare organizations and you can see the difference...and who's has things cooking on the front burner...BD 

I’ve met and interviewed hundreds of CEOs and, while you get a sense with many of them that they have leadership skills — after all, why are they CEO if they don’t — it’s rare that you hear a story that so clearly defines a real business leader.

How did one guy who had an absolutely crazy idea that 1,400 people hated, including his partners, turn this all around in about a year? Leadership. 

Elmendorf, in the video, told how Weston convinced 1,400 people one-by-one and turned a crazy idea into reality.

Business leadership. There it is. Thank you to Rob La Gesse who introduced me to not just Graham and Dirk, but a whole range of interesting geeks in San Antonio, TX.

A real business leader « Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger


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