Good points - in the transportation field where I spent many years, we used to call the production time on the platform (moving freight) "pounds per man hour"...are we using the same methodology for patient care...."patients per man hour"...sure seems that way with the current structure...BD

What do you call an internist who spends enough time with each patient? POOR!“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”Our favorite retired doc has a great post today - Patients value “thoroughness” in their docs.

This post reinforces a point that I make repeatedly.  Patients want our time and are willing to pay for that time.

What bothers me most about our current payment system is the incentive to see more patients rather than spend the appropriate amount of time with each patient.  As we reinvent medicine, we must reward physicians who spend the right amount of time with each patient.

Fixing health care - Time · DB’s Medical Rants

Hat Tip:  Kevin, MD


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