Decreases the risks of aging too...well that's good news is still up there on the list too...everything in moderation...this report is somewhat amazing in the fact that it can dilute the development of dementia too..."In moderation," Bamforth says, "it's part of a wholesome diet."BD

image Alcohol, including beer, in moderation raises high-density lipoprotein or HDL, known as good cholesterol, says Dr. R. Curtis Ellison, chief of the section of preventive medicine and epidemiology and professor of medicine and public health at the Boston University School of Medicine. It also appears to have a favorable effect on the lining of blood vessels, making them less likely to form a clot or for a clot to rupture and plug an artery, and may help protect against Type 2 diabetes.

"People should realize that a little bit of alcohol on a regular basis decreases the risks of aging," says Ellison, who specializes in researching, among other things, the relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and chronic diseases. Men who reported drinking 120 to 365 days a year had a 20% lower cardiovascular death rate than those who drank one to 36 days a year. Overdoing it, however, can have the opposite effect. Men who knocked back five or more drinks when they did indulge had a 30% greater risk for death via heart disease.

ABC News: Why Beer Can Be Good for You


  1. Barbara -- Fascinating article. I also find the Cheers Buffalo Theory equally valid. It starts: "Well you see, Norm, it's like this . . . A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo... (Read more at my URL)

  2. Hi Nick and thanks for stopping you can feel rest assured you can keep drinking your warm beer!


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