We have another encyclopedia type site in addition to the new Knol from Google, except this new Wikipedia is healthcare only and membership is for Medical Professionals; however, everyone can contribute and give ideas and feedback. The official launch is not slated until the end of 2008 but contributors are being solicited now from the site. To take a look and sign up, follow the links on the images to find out more. Four university Medical schools are associated with the project, teaming efforts to create the resources. BD
July 23, 2008 (Computerworld) A project launched today aims to create what is in essence a medical version of Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia focused on explaining conditions, drugs, procedures, medical facilities and other topics written by physicians and Ph.D.s.
“In association with Harvard Medical School, Stanford School of Medicine, Berkeley School of Public Health, University of Michigan Medical School and other leading global health organizations, the Medpedia community seeks to create the most comprehensive and collaborative medical resource in the world. Medpedia will serve as a catalog, database, and learning tool about health, medicine and the body for doctors, scientists, policymakers, students and citizens that will improve medical literacy worldwide.”
Doctors, Ph.D.s to edit new Wikipedia of medical information
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