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So here we are thinking that monitors are only for seniors and children, well think again as here comes the health coach, reduced premiums for participating and showing proof of what you are doing, electronically.  Maybe this device, since their focus is risk management?

The Muve Gruve Device Measures your Inactivity – Intrusive Technology with a Human Audit Trail?

Here’s another post from last year, and this device will even keep track of your sleep too, so how far will devices go? 

The Human Audit Trail to automatically track your fitness and sleep and a few other things…

It does sound a lot like big brother.  The map is fine and pretty standard with many other sites and plans, but the human audit trail is still a bit scary, but if you go along, you earn a few dollars, so there’s an incentive to go along with the electronic umbilical cord and everybody gets to be friends with their running partners (in the video on the site).  Many employers who still provide insurance are now requiring participation in their wellness programs for coverage.  Risk management for the employer might reduce the rates if employees electronically connect to the audit trail.  BD 

Redbrick’s methods for tracking employees’ commitment to these health plans are surprisingly detailed (though they may smack a bit of imageBig Brother). For example, it offers an iPhone application that records progress on a person’s walking exercises and beams the data back to Redbrick’s system. Pedometers and watches that do the same are also in the works, VentureWire reports. This might sound a tad invasive, but the company says that employers have the choice whether or not to make employees prove that they are following their custom health maps.

Redbrick’s methods for tracking employees’ commitment to these health plans are surprisingly detailed (though they may smack a bit of Big Brother). For example, it offers an iPhone application that records progress on a person’s walking exercises and beams the data back to Redbrick’s system. Pedometers and watches that do the same are also in the works, VentureWire reports. This might sound a tad invasive, but the company says that employers have the choice whether or not to make employees prove that they are following their custom health maps.

Redbrick gets a $15M boost for incentive-based health insurance » VentureBeat

Related Reading:

GE to Market Home Monitoring Appliance
The Human Audit Trail to automatically track your fitness and sleep and a few other things…
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