Well if Homeland Security can get by with it, I guess I can use the term Swine Flu too, but what this is a documentary style video that actually offers imagequite a bit of information, good for anyone to view.  I watched it myself and it runs about 30 minutes so be sure you have enough time if you want to watch the entire video in one setting.

Also featured with her “no nonsense” views and information is Dr. Erika Schwartz who adds quite a bit of down to earth information on who should perhaps get the vaccine as well as the origin and content of the vaccine we have here in the US, it is different that the one being given in other countries for a couple of reasons which she explains, one of course being money, as usual.  Here’s a link back to the discussion I had with her relative to bioidentical hormone treatment.  She is also the founder of America’s first physician-led, fully-accredited CME institute dedicated to training physicians in the clinical use of bioidentical hormones for aging, prevention, and wellness, the Bioidentical Hormone Initiative.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy– Interview with Dr. Erika Schwartz

The Threat Matrix is a semi-regular documentary program that investigates current trends and issues in homeland security. Unlike the Listening Post, which is strictly an interview program, the Threat Matrix takes an investigative approach to the policy and technology challenges and emerging threats facing the homeland security community.
This Episode:  2009 Influenza Pandemic Preparedness

HSTV has produced an exclusive training and awareness program focusing on the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic. This is a must-watch program for anybody concerned about how the Swine Flu might impact your family or organization, and how to best prepare for the worst-case scenario. Program starts October 1, 2009.

The Homeland Security Television Channel - Listening Post


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