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Recently I have written a couple posts about how useful Microsoft Tags could be for tracking information on medical devices and received some responses and email with folks wanting to try imagethem out, so here’s a couple samples of what type of content can be added to a tag.  The first Tag is one for the Medical Quack Blog. 


Hold your phone up to the computer screen and use the Microsoft Tag software on your Windows Mobile, BlackBerry or iPhone and give it a try.  These tags are also working their way into the PHR side too, check out the link below, an upcoming easy way to use your phone and get your personal health record information, EOB, etc. added. 

RazCode/Windows Tags – Bar Coding to Add Information to PHRs, EHRs, and More…


The above Tag is a brief portion of the post I wrote below with a quick summary of some text.  The full post is at the link below.  I’ll add these later to the main page so they will always be available along with perhaps a few other samples.  What is also nice is that you can create a Tag that dials a phone number too, so one could point and dial!  BD

Tracking Medical Device Recalls – Sounds Like A Good Place for a Microsoft Tag Data Base at the FDA

This is a fairly simple answer that could keep a tags listed in a data base that anyone could access as we are not talking about confidential information here, we are talking about a device.  The great thing about Microsoft Tags is that you can go online, find the tag and as long as you have the free software on a cell phone, you can get the information.  Hold the cellphone right up to your computer screen and get the information. 


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