This is how one state handles allowing enrolling in the State Medicaid program as there’s not enough money to go around for all who qualify.  States are all wresting imagewith covering the costs for Medicaid and the practice in Oregon is different than most.  There are still many more who qualify.  BD

Low income Oregonians can sign up for a Feb. 1 drawing to get medical insurance coverage under Oregon Health Plan, the state's Medicaid plan.
The state has enough funding to add up to 35,000 more adults 19 to 64 to the health insurance plan. That's a small fraction of the estimated 140,000 Oregonians whose incomes qualify for the plan. But the state doesn't have enough money to enroll everyone who would qualify, so it selects new plan members at random from a pool who have put their names in the running.

State lottery for health insurance approaches | Health & Fitness News -


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