You have just love this one, plug in your MP3 player or IPod and let the music roll.  It is also a radio.  The design here is good too as the “egg” which stays out of the water where you plug in.


Rub a dub dub, I can another duck in the tub!  I do have to say this is some of the best use of wireless that I have seen and it doesn’t even bother me to take my blood pressure either, but I shouldn’t speak too soon as who knows in healthcare device development they may have a wireless duck that does all of that one day.  Would like to see how the FDA would deal with that one for approval <grin>.  BD  


This has to be the ultimate rubber ducky (except that it's not rubber) - one that wirelessly plays whatever you've got on your MP3 player! Far from an exercise in animal cruelty, this iDuck Floating Wireless speaker is in fact a rather neat way of livening up bath time without sending your iPod hurtling underwater like a diving musical submarine. No wires, no electric shocks, just a great fun musical bath.


iDuck Floating Wireless Speaker | IWOOT


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