If you read further down, a patient committed suicide and thus the hospital has now imagebeen deemed by Medicare as not being up to standard.  Patients who are receiving in patient care have 30 days left and no new psychiatric admissions will be covered.  The hospital is preparing an appeal as well as legal charges.  I don’t know how big the city area is or how many inpatients are involved but it sounds like they got a 30 eviction notice to me.  BD 

Federal officials have notified Two Rivers Psychiatric Hospital that it is being terminated from the Medicare program for failing to have adequate suicide precautions in place.

The action by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is considered a last resort when medical facilities fail to meet critical standards. It means the Medicare and Medicaid programs will no longer pay the hospital at 5121 Raytown Road to care for patients.

Two Rivers’ chief executive officer, Kevin Young, said in a statement Tuesday that the hospital was preparing an appeal and legal challenges.

Officials act to drop Two Rivers Psychiatric Hospital from Medicare - KansasCity.com


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