The video is good and you have a couple riders who talk about before and after the sensors were put inimage place and there’s plenty of signs it looks like so all are warned up front not to pee in the elevators.  I can think of some places in New York that might jump all over this, as it’s been years but that smell came around here and there in areas of their mass transit system.  I’m sure other cities have the same problem too. 

This is also a health concern as well in public areas.  People were tired of riding a urinal first to get to the trains.  This is a trial and so far it’s working.  If some one pees, a big flash goes off and alarms off “she/he peed”…and after the sensors were installed only one arrest has been made in a month so I think it must be working.  It costs about 10k for each elevator and again something like this could have uses in other areas.  BD 

The city of Atlanta is looking to clean up the image, and the odor, of its transit system.

Many of its elevators have doubled as restrooms and smell like it. That's about to change with first-of-its-kind technology which catches "offenders" literally -- with their pants down.
"The smell hits you so bad. You hold your breath just to hurry up and get off the elevator," said Alicia Porter, a rider on a Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) train.
MARTA elevators have a smelly reputation. To get to the train, you often have to ride in a urinal first.


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