Why is this happening?  Lack of personnel to attend and clean...an effort to save money? Will the future be "bring your own toilet"?  The provisioning of public toilets....BD  

'This report is good as far as it goes - outlining what councils can do to improve image access using their current powers. But actions speak louder than words. Over the past decade, more than 40 per cent of all public toilets have closed, as local councils have increasingly decided that the cost of provision was too great. This policy decision has had a devastating impact on the lives of older people across the UK. Research for Help the Aged ** has shown that more than half of older people find that a lack of public toilets prevents them from going out as often as they like. The effect of this is to keep many older people on a "bladder leash" - with shrinking social involvement and increased isolation an inevitable and dangerous effect.

Lack Of Public Toilets Devastating Lives, UK


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