Once more we are back to "who's going to pay the bill"....Newt Gingrich was correct several years ago when he commented about Medicare being a mess, but look at what we have today...by today's standards Medicare certainly could use some improvement, but look at the mess we have with private industry infiltrating...and making huge profits while they are at it...almost gives Medicare a more angelic disposition...and one thing to think about is that we as voters have no say in what private industry says and does...but we do when it comes to the ability to put petitions on the ballot for the public to vote on government propositions.......BD 

Instead, the physicians of the Texas Medical Association (TMA) prescribe another remedy that would tap into what some in Washington, D.C. view as a "sacred cow": Get the money from overpaid Medicare Advantage plans.
Physicians lose money every time they care for a Medicare patient. Medicare uses a flawed payment formula that pays doctors less than it costs them to provide the care. As Congress considers cutting physician payments more, many doctors say they will be forced to limit or stop seeing Medicare patients.

Dr. Taber, an El Paso urologist, calls Medicare Advantage "a billion dollar rip. It's wasteful spending on the part of Medicare, and a frivolous and costly adventure."

Physicians' Prescription: Scrap Medicare Private Insurance Plans


  1. Thanks for the link.
    You can follow TMA at our blog .

    Steve Levine
    VP Communication
    Texas Medical Association

  2. You're welcome..and thanks for the link. It will be interesting to follow your progress...


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