By comparison, small bonuses were paid to scientists and doctors.  $35 million in bonuses all together were handed out.  The head of the criminal investigation division imagemade more than the director of the FBI and the person in charge of revising the bonus system, well, they got the biggest bonus.   Earlier this year it was reported how under budgeted the FDA was.  Earlier this year it was reported that some of the key employees were still writing out studies longhand and didn’t have a computer.  One bonus certainly could have helped purchase a few.  It’s a long hard road in to the 21st century now though and transparency is the the name of the game as the government is finally beefing up the data flow processes.  BD 

28 senior FDA executives took in a combined $1 million in bonuses last year, pushing their pay above that of members of Congress, federal judges - and even some cabinet secretaries.

FDA Execs Reap Lavish Bonuses, Agency Criticized As "Broken," But FDA Executives Still Make Big Bank - CBS News


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