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Just recently I posted about China looking to revert back to universal health care and this report appears to document that the government and other entities are in fact looking universal care seriously as a solution.  Over 200 individuals took part in creating the massive report.  BD

BEIJING, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) -- China is likely to become a welfare state in the next 40 years, with universal medical care and old age pensions, says a report compiled by a panel of 208 Chinese experts. 

    The report said the country would undergo three stages to eventually achieve the target.

   The first stage from 2008 to 2012 would see the creation of a safety net, which would include minimum living allowances, medical insurance and pensions for all urban and rural residents.

    From 2013 to 2020, the government would keep improving welfare policies and measures to make the social security network stable and sustainable.

    From 2021 to 2049, it would further improve provisions to eventually "build a socialist welfare society with Chinese characteristics".

    The social security system already includes social insurance, benefits for the elderly, orphans and the disabled, special care for servicemen, social relief and housing services.

Related Reading:

China Looking to revert back to Universal Health Care

Report: China to become a welfare state by 2049_English_Xinhua


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